Empowering Adults with Different Abilities



To support, encourage and empower adults with different abilities to participate as contributing members of their community and to enrich their quality of life. Our faith-based organization aims to celebrate each person’s value while shining a light on inclusion in all that we do.


Organize Enterprises designed to develop vocational and employment skills, empower employment and volunteerism experiences, support outcomes for personal development, and offer social and recreational opportunities.

The Midland Kru Day Program is the core Enterprise empowering our Associates

with skills, experiences, outcomes and opportunities.


We believe that God has a plan for the Associates to have an abundant life, and that Bloom Enterprises can be a part of that plan. The program components include options for spiritual development that can include prayer, Bible study curriculum and related activities that may occur at the Community House, in a local church or other community settings.

501(c)3 Nonprofit Corporation located in Gainesville, GA


[formerly known as Randy and Friends, Inc., incorporated in 2012; name change in 2024]

Midland Ice Cream Social

Our ice cream cart employs adults from our Bloom family, giving them access to an independent source of income as well as time out in the community, sharing their gifts.

Midland Kru Day Program

Our day program is person-centered and provides social and recreational experiences, spiritual development, personal development plans, family involvement, life skills, community participation and job and volunteer skills development.

Community House Creations

Our day program associates are empowered & encouraged to be creative with their gifts. Whether gardening and planting things that BLOOM or working with our community business partners to create T-shirts on demand for large orders or small, Community House Creations is enjoyed by all, each according to their abilities and gifts.

Midland Kru Day Program always welcomes volunteers. If you are interested, simply click on the button below to get started.


The Vision of Bloom Enterprises of Georgia, Inc. is to help our Associates grow in their self confidence and reach their full potential.

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